Slack is the communication tool we use to keep in touch. At the Vine, we use Slack primarily to:
• Make church-wide announcements
• Request prayer from one another and share opportunities to serve
• Connect with other church members through groups centered around interests, like running, music, brunch, or childrens' playgroup.
• Communicate with fellow city group members. Each city group has a private group where we keep in touch, share resources, encourage each other, pray for one another, or just goof off.
Slack has desktop apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and mobile Apps for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. To log in to our community, type in thevinemadison as the organization, and log in with the email address you used to sign up.
DOWNLOAD SLACKREQUEST AN INVITEFIND US ON SLACKUse the following documents and links to help you get started on Slack. You can also join our Slack Tips & Tricks channel on Slack.
Beginner: Slack 101 (PDF)
Slack FAQs (PDF)
Intermediate Slacker (PDF)
Slack Help Site